Monday, June 28, 2021

Your Browser "TAB" is "Your Notepad"

Yes, you read the right thing!

Several times a day we pull a notepad to write sometimes important and in hurry, we forget to save the notepad which leads to waste our time to get that information again or we forget about it.

WHY get into chaos by an additional tools "Notepad" for getting support? You have in your browser; notepad.

Any browser in windows can be used as a notepad in no time along with saving the data which can be viewed, edited and deleted as per choice.

Follow the step below :

Step 1. Open any browser.

Step 2. Simply copy and paste below link in your address bar and press "Enter" :



Here you go! 

Here is your Notepad. Use notepad in same browser without hectic of getting addition notepad in the task bar.

Wondering how to save your data?

Here is the answer to your wondered question.

Simply press "Ctrl + S" 

Chose your location where you want to save your data and it can be shared on Email, Social Media or you can carry on your external devices. 

The file will be saved by the default name "Notepad" and the extension will be .html (You can change the file name at any point in time)

Review, Edit, Continue the same Notepad just by clicking the downloaded file.




Boost your productivity by simply converting browser tab into notepad by simple art. 

Want to work in night mode simply copy & paste below code


Monday, January 25, 2021

Traditional TECHNOLOGY in Mobile Industry changing with AI.

World is changing enormously in Artificial intelligence not care or manage an exhibit in movies or super-hero world. 

Living in Technology Age is not game or science fiction movies which we can see every day in our life but it is Evolving, yes Artificial Intelligence is taking that place which is fact. Many companies is working on this technology to bring best in our daily life. 

Talking about Mobile / Telecom industries – trying to fit with AI in their operating system which will enhance 

We know what happened to NOKIA when they didn’t accepted the Android Technology, hence the phone manufactures trying to reach the next technology i.e. Artificial Intelligence. When a new Phone is launched in the market it comes with many addon features and technically updated which we used to see in JAMES BOND movies or Science fiction movies. 

Best Networks Strength, Camera, User Interface, Performance, etc and also they comes with reformed way in consideration on current technology. 

News, Internet, Videos … we must have heard how the technology is evolving for better outcome to 
their customers. Now customer 1st compare before getting any new device which made companies to enrich their store activity, giveaway, and also developing the purchase decisions. 

How, why, where, when, which AI is Leading to reinvention of add-ons to technology for reinvention in Mobile / Telecom Industry. 

“Result of Competition always comes with Best Outcomes” 
Same with Mobile Companies like Apple, Samsung and other smartphone companies started to compete with AI in their technology. 

Mainly 8 major things which is taking care from Mobile Manufacturing companies these day: 
  1. Security Authentication in App
  2. Enhanced Detection Abilities 
  3. Enhanced Search Experiences 
  4. Real-Time Translation 
  5. Easy Finding Landmark 
  6. Rich Forecasting experiences 
  7. Privacy in terms of Personalization 
  8. ChatBot